(19-7-06) Koncerten i søndags på Copenhagen Jazzfestival
var en stor og velbesøgt succes !!

(18-4-06) Anne Mejse Jensen,
som tidligere har været med i Morten Kargaard Group
bl.a. på CD'en "Colour of a moment" fra 1997, er atter med i gruppen.

MK Group on tour in November !! (read more)

New CD: "Flying Eagle"

In 2004 the band went to the studio for a week,
recording this album, which includes a cello
and came out in early 2005 :-)

Buy the CD online at:

Morten tells: “I am so amazed by the way the two brazilian guys can work
and hear the music. In an instant they can tell whether the music
has the right flow – and if not: how to make it sound better. And then they'll ask us
to make another track and as always, they turn out to be right ...!
And Linda, from Sweden, who just flows on top of everything, in perfect pitch,
no matter how difficult, and making it sound so easy ...
Finally Makiko, from Japan, with her refined touch and colouring of the music;
her solos which comes straight from the heart ...
I can honestly say that I’m very proud of this band and the music we made together
on this album......I hope you will enjoy as much as we enjoyed making it …”.

Listen online (mp3):

Listen to the track "Little Big Man"

Listen to the track "Children's Fairytale"

(9-1-2005) Tour in March - click for more information

(26-11-2004) Morten spiller for sidste gang med "ToneArt Ensemblet" 1. december
i Vognporten (Huset i Magstræde). Herefter får ensemblet nemlig
helt ny besætning. Koncerten starter kl. 20.30 !!

Endvidere kan man høre en uropførelse af et Morten Kargaard-nummer
dagen efter samme sted - altså 2. december !
Morten spiller dog ikke selv med her ...

Indspilningerne i Åge Tanggaard's studie er overstået.
Og Morten er vældig tilfreds - der er en CD på vej med numrene:

Little Big Man
For Peter
Children's Fairytale
Year of 2003
Mystery City
Flying Eagle
The Magician